Nearest Motorway is 16 miles,27 kilometres
Nearest Airports: Carcassonne is 16 miles ,27 kilometre, Toulouse is 100 Kilometres
Nearest raliway station: Carcassonne at 27 kilometres
Nearest beach: Port Leucate at 60 kilometres
Car recommanded
Montlaur website:
Carcassonne Airport with Ryan Air flights is 25 minutes away. Flights
to Stansted, East Midlands, Liverpool, Bournemouth, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium and Germany. From Beziers (75 minutes) to Bristol and Luton. Flights to Toulouse (1h drive), Gerona (2h drive) and Marseille (3h drive),
to many destinations. From end March 2010 Ryan Air adds Leeds
to Carcassonne.
Vineyards, scrubland, rivers, ruins of a Cathar castle, endless beech, chestnut and pine forests.. 17 miles from Carcassonne behind the mountain of Alaric where the celebrated "Trésor de Jérusalem" is said to be hidden, the small village of Montlaur is at the heart of many legends in a landscape of preserved natural beauty. Hikes in the mountains (the GR 36 is 2 miles away) horse riding, honey tasting, goats cheese, olive oil, relaxation, botanical walks, dips in the river, dives in the Mediterranean, visits to wine cellars, wine tasting with wine growers, explore the Cathar castles, the abbey of Fontfroide and the fortified town of Carcassonne.. The soul of Cathar country is on your doorstep.
Lagrasse, à 10 km de Montlaur, un des plus beaux villages de France.
Randonnées à cheval et découverte du Pays Cathare :
Stages de moto de trial et location de vélos:
Promenades, activités, stages, restaurants à proximité :
Calendrier des manifestations:
Sites à visiter:
Tourisme en Corbières:
Abbaye de Fontfroide :
Office du tourisme de Carcassonne: